Sports News

Gambhir’s winning attitude could be the key to a successful transition.

This correspondent met Gautam Gambhir many moons ago, when he was an active international player. He was dropped from the Indian squad and downgraded to Grade B on the BCCI’s officially contracted players list. Gambhir put everything into perspective. He explained that his demotion was not the end of the world and that he remained …

Gambhir’s winning attitude could be the key to a successful transition. Read More »

Amid the cries of Test cricket’s death, Shamar Joseph brings hope from a remote corner

From the moment internet reached his home town five years ago, the West Indian quick has been on a dream-like journey that continues in Brisbane today Only the most cloth-eared cricket fan will have failed to hear the ominous cacophony surrounding Test cricket over the past month. First up, the clanging chimes of Jason Holder: …

Amid the cries of Test cricket’s death, Shamar Joseph brings hope from a remote corner Read More »

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